Having trouble uploading your listing photos in connectMLS? Try these fixes: 

  • Check the photos’ dimensions and file sizes. Large photos will take longer to upload and could result in upload failure. 
    • Our recommended photo size is 1920 x 1080 pixels. You may upload photos up to 3840 x 2160; they will be resized to the recommended dimensions. 
      • For most photo programs, right-clicking on the image will allow you to view the photos properties to check the photo size and resolution. 
    • The maximum file size is 3MB. 
  • Make sure the photos are a supported file type. For best quality, use JPEG formats. Other formats such as PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF are acceptable, but will automatically be converted and resized. 
    • NOTE: PDF and HEIC files are not accepted. 
      • Follow these steps to convert HEIC files: 
        • Open your HEIC file in Preview, click “File” and then “Export”. 
        • From the drop-down menu with the available file formats, choose JPG or PNG and click “Save”. 
  • You can upload up to 50 photos at a time, but we recommend uploading in smaller quantities to prevent slowness and freezing. 
  • Clear your browser’s cache. When a browser’s cache builds up, it can cause slowness and abnormal behavior. 
  • Check your internet connection and speed. It may be necessary to reboot your router.