Listings must have a primary photo within seven days of being entered into connectMLS. The only exceptions are as follows:

  • Private Listing Network listings

  • Vacant land

  • New construction

  • Confidential commercial listings

  • Deeded parking/boat slips

A fine may be issued for listings that do not comply with this rule (see MRED’s Rules and Regulations, Section 6.1.1: Photographs). 

Listings without a primary photo after 10 days will be placed in “HOLD” status and will only be viewable by the Designated Realtor and Listing Broker of the office. Additionally, the listing will not appear in any searches or be distributed to third-party portal sites. Once the listing has been placed into “HOLD” status, a violation notice will be sent to the Broker, who will have 72 hours to add the photo before a fine is imposed.

The listing will be removed from the “HOLD” status once a primary photo has been added.