Condominiums in Cook County change PINs almost every year. The reason for this is because there might be a new building addition added next to it, or new parking spaces. If a condominium building adds a floor at the top, then more units will be added at the end of the PIN. Pins also get changed so the developer can be relieved from paying taxes on the unsold units.

A NEW parcel that was created AFTER the Tax Roll was certified and the initial Deed was recorded to the base PIN (the PIN of the parcel from which the new parcel was created). In these cases (again very common with Cook Condos) we would not have that new PIN until the next year’s Tax Roll has been added to our database. Remember that the Tax Roll is updated only once a year, although Deeds and Mortgages are added weekly. And in the case of Cook County, release of the previous year’s Assessment file occurs very late in the year.